Q. I can’t create a new relationship, is it broken?

A.  Due to a recent browser update, making a relationship can be difficult or ‘not take’.  Here are two work-arounds:


  1.  When you are creating a new relationship, try not selecting a choice in the relationship drop down for either of the contacts (skip the blue arrow fields below).  Simply click on the +ADD to create the relationship, once the pop up is visible use the field for ‘type name to search for contact’ and once the name is visible (attached in that field) click SAVE. Keep reading…

Then, go back by clicking on the relationship type (blue arrow field below).  Note, it will read ‘Contact’, click on it and use the drop down fields to properly identify the relationship type and add any needed responsibilities.

2. The other option is to select the relationship type, like below, first.  Then go back and search for the contact name.